Those Traveling Coles

Those Traveling Coles
Visiting the coliseum in Verona (The Linguist is taking the photo)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Linguist was asking people at work what local restaurants they’d recommend and the only offerings were Italian restaurants! How ironic to come to Denmark to eat Italian food…we took a drive and saw a Greek restaurant, 4 Italian pizzerias and a Kabob shop. Our house is about 5 K from town, so we can’t explore the way we did in Oberammergau, but it’s been great for getting school done!  So after some discussion, a US guy recommended a place that the Linguist knew was close to our house and it was a traditional Danish place.  The food was great and the ambiance reminded us of a grandmother's house (tons of plates, plaques, historic photos, etc hanging on the walls).  The Linguist enjoyed the cold beets not something we've eaten for quite some time.  The last time we had them the Net threw them back up!  Needless to say, he was not given the opportunity to try them.  The food was great and the service exceptional and in English.  The menu did include a fairly large selection of fish which Deep thinker tried but didn't really enjoy.  The dessert was quite tasty: chocolate cake-like, ice cream, and some small roll over type goodies that were crunchy and filled with an almond creme.  The Journalist ordered an orange soda that tasted quite mild when compared to its US cousin Crush.      
The traditional Danish dish the Linguist ate looked a lot like a hamburger patty with sweet onions on top. It was really yummy!

The Net tried Schnitzel...and fries (fries are popular all over Europe)

Rosa was happy to get her food too.

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