Those Traveling Coles

Those Traveling Coles
Visiting the coliseum in Verona (The Linguist is taking the photo)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

It really does look like POPCORN!

Spring is trying to make its way through the rain clouds hogging the sky!  As a result, we've had a few lovely days of sun and mostly overcast days with lots of rain.  The front yard has lakes almost a foot deep.  Super cool until the mosquitoes start breeding.  Last Saturday had a few hours of great weather.  We played hide and go seek, soccer and did a few foot races.  We noticed the apricot trees are in bloom (they really do look like popcorn).  The kids also took some great pictures I wanted to share with you all.  Enjoy.

Popcorn popping on our apricot tree!
The Gang in front of the fire bushes.
Deep Thinker took this picture...not bad for a 7 yr old.
The Net caught this flower up close.
The Net caught this flower too.
Songbird took this one...nice black and white effect.
What is that black circle? It's an ant's eye amplified via our microscope.  The Net just had to take the photo. You can make out the individual lenses that make up the ant's compound eye.  The microscope is a cool way to spend some hours when it's rainy outside.

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