Those Traveling Coles

Those Traveling Coles
Visiting the coliseum in Verona (The Linguist is taking the photo)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pictures of our hotel

Our second kitchen/Living area

Beautiful china cabinet in our room

Our formal dining area at the Antica Corte
Rosa sitting by one of those fantastic windows 
Pianogurl's bed

In the parking lot...looking up toward some of the rooms

Standing in the parking lot...which is enclosed by a wall.
The entrance to the courtyard
Pastries are an Italian staple. This is the sweet tray that was waiting for us in our room.

Here's the savory tray...everything is so delicious! We can actually see all of these pastries from our window. They sell them in the shop across the way!


  1. oh my word!! The place looks gorgeous and the food looks fabulous! So how long do you stay in the hotel? I'm guessing you're moving into base housing at some point? Silly questions, but I'm really not sure how it all works! :)

  2. They tell us to plan to be here for 45-60 days...apparently it's not like it is in the U.S. where you can find a house and move in at the end of the week. It takes quite a lot of time to have it prepared for move in...not sure what all that involves, but we'll know more next week. We start looking at houses Monday!

  3. Please learn to make the pastries for me. :) They look similar to the ones in Uruguay that I wish I knew how to make!

  4. I'm hoping! One of the wives said her neighbor comes over and teaches her how to cook various Italian things. Maybe I'll have to screen the neighbors as we're looking for houses!
