Those Traveling Coles

Those Traveling Coles
Visiting the coliseum in Verona (The Linguist is taking the photo)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Medieval Rothenberg

Night view of the old entrance to medieval Rothenburg.
Deep Thinker, and the rest of us, enjoyed the Night
Watchman's Tour.
Scheenballen, left over scraps of dough, were made famous in Rothenburg.
The outside part is quite tasty...the inside is not so much.
The oldest four paused a moment near the
heart of Rothenburg for a happy snap.
We found some lovely roses that Rosa really loved.
This behemoth, called the Prince Electors Tankard,
dates back to 1616.  Rothenburg owes it existence to this massive 3.5 Liter monster.  
The Reichstaddmuseum was a huge highlight of our visit.
Very impressive weapons rooms, art, music instruments and more were awesome! 
Here you can see the expanse of one of the weapons rooms
...The Net and Deep Thinker loved these rooms.
An Armor suit for Deep Thinker
Among the many impressive swords, this Spanish beauty really caught my eye.
The Net really enjoyed studying this painting.
Songbird really found the Falcon's cap quite intriguing.
These musical instruments were quite unique
...especially the shapes.
Deep Thinker loved this small cannon because it was his size.
Songbird and Rosa pause as we walk towards the old wall
surrounding most of Rothenburg.
We found a great park area just outside the city walls.
Rosa loved it!!
Songbird loved the fall colors.
Unfortunately for her, Deep Thinker also like the
fall colors to her demise.
We hoofed it to the top of the city hall and found a great
view of this lovely medieval town.
Here's one example...note the city's wall near the center.
The boys were intrigued by this patron just outside the church in Rothenburg.
Supposedly, this was the start of the patronage route to Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Lovely view of the St. James Church organ.
I really enjoyed the stained glass windows.
The local bakery shop was a crucial stop on
our route towards our hotel.

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