Those Traveling Coles

Those Traveling Coles
Visiting the coliseum in Verona (The Linguist is taking the photo)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Can you do 10-point turns?

Ciao to one and all.  Just wanted to send out a quick instructive missive on parking in Italy.  It can be challenging.  Example #1: We have a large vehicle by European standards (Honda Odyssey).  Driving down roads can be nerve racking especially when there are bikers, pedestrians, car mirrors, and people opening car doors to name a few.  Therefore, space is limited.  Last night we arrived late back to the hotel because of a church youth activity (the Journalist is covering this in another post).  After threading the veritable needle (the van) through the small tunnel leading to the "parking lot," we found there was one spot left.  Awesome!  The not so awesome part was it took a while to get the van in the lone spot.  I believe it was my first 10-point turn (moving at times a few inches back and forth)!  This has happened twice so far.  Example #2: We went to Ikea to get a few things  yesterday and found parking there to be quite tight as well.  I didn't want the nose of the van to stick out in the parking lot lanes so I backed up as close as possible to the vehicle behind me.  The pictures below witness to just how close we ended up.  If you look close on the second picture, there's about 1 centimeter between the back of our van and the front of the other vehicle.  Whew...that's close.


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