Those Traveling Coles

Those Traveling Coles
Visiting the coliseum in Verona (The Linguist is taking the photo)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pasta Fun Facts straight from Italy!

     Have you ever seen those cheesy commercials that talk about how Barilla pasta is grown and is a product of Italy? How many of you believe it? I didn't believe it until I saw this at the store! That's right a huge pile of Barilla pasta sitting in Ipercoop (pronounced eeper-cop)!!!! Who knew that those cheesy commercials that we've seen on television were actually true! Now, you have a new fun fact about Italy to tell your friends!!!
Dreadful Picture of Barilla Pasta in Ipercoop
 (pronounced eeper-cop) 

More Pasta that is in Ipercoop... do you recognize it?
(pronounced eeper-cop) 
     Does this pasta brand look familiar to you? That's what I thought when I saw it at the store! Then, it hit me! This pasta brand is sold at Costco! So next time you're at Costco, you'll know where this pasta comes from! It's crazy to think that all the things we think are from America sometimes really do come from foreign countries!!!

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