Those Traveling Coles

Those Traveling Coles
Visiting the coliseum in Verona (The Linguist is taking the photo)

Friday, November 15, 2013

Paris day 5 - Au Revoir

All good things must come to an end.  And so it was for our last days in France.  Having visited all the major sites, we were missing Versailles.  I was not prepared for anything but I was blown away by the size, luxury, and expanse housed at this former Palace of King Louis the XIV.  I don't know that I can put into words the impressive nature of the things we visited.  For me the hall of mirrors was the neatest room to visit because of its historical significance.  Many major historical events took place here to include the signing of the peace treaty of world war I.  We hoped for nice weather but as you'll see, it was cold.  Between the cold and trying to find a bathroom for Rosa to use on the extreme opposite side of the grounds almost a mile from the main palace, it was an interesting visit.  I searched high and low and finally found someone to tell me where a bathroom was and thanks to a worker's kindness he allowed Rosa in to use the bathroom (I chaperoned of course).  Thankfully she made it...barely.  Enjoy the happy snaps.

Here's the Net and his best friend J with the Palace of
Versailles in the background.  
Here's how we felt after running our legs off in Paris! 
This lovely area is part of Marie Antoinette's small-ish
mansion far from the main palace.  This is a connecting hallway.
This is by far one of the most fancy clocks I've seen in Europe.
Note the gold trim on the building.  They were applying this
to the entire facade the day we were there.  It gave it
a very regal look.    
This is one view of the Hall of I mentioned above, it was quite impressive to me.   
Some of our group was impressed with this
hall...and at least one was not...Rosa!  Bless
her soul she really was a super trooper given
how much we dragged her all over Paris.
Well done Rosa!   

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