Those Traveling Coles

Those Traveling Coles
Visiting the coliseum in Verona (The Linguist is taking the photo)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ferrara during Christmas!!

Christmas was so nice.  We enjoyed the excitement, togetherness and fun.  We're also having a really great time seeing some of the sites, sounds and tastes of Italy with visiting family.

Christmas tree in the heart of downtown Ferrara

The kids weren't entirely sure how to take the "Santa-ized" christmas ham.  

Church in Ferrara called San Giorgio.  Renovated recently though the tower leans a little.
Inside San Giorgio.  The organ pipes and ceiling are beautiful.

The pizza was good though we had a funny thing happen.  The Journalist ordered 4 cheese pizzas...However, what was brought to us was at least one pizza with four different cheeses.  I don't know about you but goat cheese on pizza is not my favorite.  The Net and Deep Thinker didn't really like it too much either.  

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